Who am I?

This all started in autumn 2010 when my internship (commonly referred to as “stage”) in the European Commission was about to begin and I thought I’d find a place where to store my stories and experiences from these 5 amazing and event-packed months in the headquarters of eurocracy a.k.a. Brussels. So, originally this was a story of a small stagiaire in the big world of the European affairs. When the stage in Brussels was over, I knew I was not ready to return home and settle down yet – I needed some more experience to expand my worldview and challange myself.

So I came to India in April 2011. My plan was to stay in New Delhi for a year and see and feel as much of India as possible. I was working in a company designing and organizing educational journeys and adventure camps for school kids. These turned out to be 11 amazing months in the Incredible India, and in March 2012 I set off for 2.5 months of backpacking in Nepal, Thailand, Cambodia, Singapore & Malaysia. These past years have been the best time of my life.

Now let’s see what’s next for me!

2 Responses to Who am I?

  1. sumit says:

    Hey I am pursuing water resources management from TERI University, New Delhi. I wish to pursue my 2 months summer internship related to environment. Kindly inform me about the available options. Can you help me in getting a paid internship in Europe related to water resources or wildlife?

    • Ginger says:

      Paid internship in Europe? Good luck! :) Honestly, in Europe somehow we’ve grown to practicing internships that are unpaid or are impossible to survive on the salary. Especially in this economy. Sorry, cannot help you much!

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